There Are Angels

There Are Angels
Colored Pencil Drawing

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weaving Again

A couple of weeks ago I purchased 2 weaving looms, small ones, an inkle to produce bands & a 24" rigid heddle loom. Weaving is something I used to do some 20+ years ago & I've thought about going back to it for some time, so I did. I'm really rusty at it, so much so that I feel like a beginner- again. Once I get good at regular weaving I'll try the fancier stuff like patterned pieces & weaving on multiple heddles (those are the things the yarn/thread warp goes through to lay in the weft (the horizontal threads, the warp goes longways of the thread) Here is my first project, both on the loom & finished. Its a scarf, woven from regular sport weight yarns & it took about 2 days to produce.

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