There Are Angels

There Are Angels
Colored Pencil Drawing

Monday, March 5, 2012

KY Update

First of all, I'm fins as is my family. The Lexington area was lucky not to get hit by any tornadoes, however many areas surrounding us weren't so lucky. The focus is on West Liberty, KY but many other counties surrounding Morgan County also got hit hard, can't forget about them. I spoke to Lexington Red Cross who is over run with stuff people brought in. They are asking to hold donations of goods until they get a better handle on it all, makes sense. They have to sort through all that. At this time they are making list for future donated goods, meaning shelters & doing damage assessment. I can sympathize,mi used to volunteer with Red Cross when my county had a chapter. It can be overwhelming in the midst of chaos. If you'd like to donate baby iTMS, quilts, or pillow cases, I'm collecting these things to pass on the Red Cross for later distribution once things settle down. Please send me a private message or email for the address. On a related note, we got snow this morning, 4" in my town, after the tornadoes too. Makes me wonder if mother nature hates KY this spring. I wonder what else she has in store for us. Although I don't have pics of tornado damage, that's been all over the news, here is a pic of the snow that fell last night. Stay tuned.. . .

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