Sometimes I tend to get too many things going at once & either lose track or get tired of them before they're done,anyway they get tossed to the side. I needed a written list of stuff I wanted to do, split up into monthly " assignments" to help me keep track of the projects yet not get too burnt out on any one thing. The assignments are parts of the project to get done within the month. I have 3 or 4 parts of three or four projects scheduled every month to do. I can mark each part off as I get it done. So far, I have 2 new quilts, a clutch purse, some baby items & shorts or pants for my granddaughter on schedule to make between now & May of 2014. In the past I've either gotten tired or a project or gotten overwhelmed with all I had going on, projects or parts thereof got lost & wound up in the UFO pile. I'm hoping to eliminate this with this schedule, which is flexible as I need it to be. Will it actually work? Have to wait & see what happens.
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